Cut through the noise Stand out in a sea of sameness to gain a competitive edge Distinction and creating an emotional connection with your audience is key to a successful B2B marketing strategy. Saturated by an abundance of content across a range of channels, customers have become accustomed to uniform and generic experiences. In this uniform environment, unique and striking digital experiences will set your brand above the rest. Indeed, 73% of customers state that a single extraordinary experience can raise their expectations of other companies. 3 Clearly, any brand able to successfully engage and captivate customers effectively and repeatedly has tremendous opportunity to gain a competitive advantage. But how is such distinction achieved? Truly creative digital experiences are a powerful way of cutting through the noise. A hyper-targeted, personalised and visually striking experien that meets and exceeds the needs of your prospects, deliver via engaging and impactful creative content, is the key to risin above the uniform and winning customers. In short, a creative, authentic story with a human at its centre transcends the mundane to bring your brand to life, helping to address buyers’ pain points and elevate the user journey. 3 State of the Connected Customer, 2019. Salesforce.