STEP BY STEP Installation procedure Elos Accurate ® Analog for Printed Models A model analog specifically created for 3D printed models Elos Medtech introduce a model analog concept created for desktop 3D printing. The new analog is available for the major implant platforms and color coded according to the implant manufacturer. The Elos Accurate Analog for Printed Models (Analog) can only be instal- led in the correct position, has a press fit and is automatically centered in the model socket. If you want extra assurance of the safe seating, an optional special screw available. The installation tools are: Elos Accurate ® Analog Pliers, Elos Accurate ® Analog Insertion Pin and Elos Accurate ® Analog Insertion Screw. 1. The 3D printed model, Analog, Elos Accura- te Insertion Pin (Insertion Pin), Elos Accura- te Pliers (Pliers) and Elos Accurate Insertion Screw (Insertion Screw). 2. Grab the Insertion Pin with your fingertips. 3. Stick the pin through the bottom of the 3D printed model and screw it into the bottom of the Analog. 4. The Insertion Pin is universal and fits all Analogs. 5. When mounted, gently pull the Analog into the model socket. 6. Turn slightly to the right until the Analog drops down into the model socket. This indi- cates that you have found the correct position. Elos Medtech • Engvej 33 • DK-3330 Gorlose • Denmark +45 48 21 64 99 • •
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