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Written from January to July 2022 in the Dinex museum, surrounded by documents, photos, scrap books and other curious artifacts collected throughout the years. Based on narrative by Torben Dinesen. Transferred into writing by Kristian Kaufmann.

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Preface Torben Dinesen CEO of the Dinex Group 2 40 years ago, my father Jørgen Dinesen and my mother Grethe Dinesen made a big decision. One that shaped our family for generations, shaped the local community of our hometown of Middelfart, and influenced the life of thousands of people who has worked for Dinex over the years. Jørgen’s former colleagues didn’t believe in Dinex, and neither did the banks. They focused on everything that could go wrong, and in all fairness many things could have gone wrong. Ultimately, he and my mother could have lost everything. But instead, it went so well, because my father and mother believed in their ideas, they believed in the people that surrounded them, braced themselves for years of hard work and dared to make the jump. It was this entrepreneurial spirit, trust in people and their ideas, courage to act and willingness to work for it, that made the difference back in 1982. And even today, with 2.000 employees in 15 countries across the world, I am proud to say that I still see the same spirit and fundamental values in the people that drive Dinex forward. My father served 18 years as CEO of Dinex, and I have now served 22 years in the same role, since 2000. I have been with Dinex all my life, started working in the warehouse and the sales administration after school in the early days when Dinex was started – only being away during a high school year in Nashville Tennessee, as well as 3 years working for East Asiatic Company Ltd in Copenhagen, where I did my master’s in foreign trade. My father was diagnosed with leukemia at a young age and turning 55 years, he decided to settle down and hand-over the CEO tasks and responsibility to me. I was only 35 years at 40 YEARS
