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TECHNICAL DATA SHEET L E AT H E R Price Group 2 SPECIFICATIONS Description Thickness Type Semi Aniline 0,9 - 1,1 mm Cow 1318 Corda 1343 Cognac 2342 Camel 5728 Grey 7004 Black V107 Antique Brown 12254 Almond 15035 Olive Green TESTING PROPERTIES Flex resistance Color fastness to water Color fastness to light REACH Flame retardant content STANDARD EN-ISO 5402-1 ISO 15700 EN-ISO 105-B 02 List of candidates Cigarette test RESULT 50.000 cycles 3 4 Pass Pass For further information, please refer to our Technical & Compliance Directory. Core One A/S . Lene Haus Vej 9B . 7430 Ikast . Denmark . . . +45 97 70 30 50
