WorldGBC Advancing Net Zero Status Report 2022 COP27 Sharm El-Sheikh: The Opportunity COP27 provides an opportunity to continue showcasing the built environment as a critical climate solution. It will provide a platform to advance a major moment for enhanced action and ambition and recognise both party and non-party leadership action. This collaboration is necessary to facilitate sector transformation, accelerate reductions, a just transition, access to finance, and enhanced resilience. This is especially relevant and significant in the context of the Egypt COP Presidency’s priorities of mitigation, adaptation, finance and collaboration. Buildings and infrastructure offer a significant opportunity to build back better for an effective economic recovery, green job creation and social progress. This can be done through deep renovation, improving existing homes and assets, reducing energy consumption, designing for future climate scenarios, leveraging public procurement and critical policies such as performance-based mandatory building energy codes. Ambassador Mohamed Ibrahim Nasr of Egypt on some of the priorities for the UN Climate Change Conference #COP27 in November: PAGE 52
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