World Green Building Council: EU Policy Whole Life Carbon Roadmap 19 Country GERMANY HUNGARY IRELAND NETHERLANDS NORWAY Targets* Reduce GHG emissions by 65% by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. 40 Carbon neutrality by 2050. 41 Reduce GHG emissions by 7% each year between 2021 and 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. 42 Reduce GHG emissions by 49% by 2030 and 95% by 2050. 43 Transition to a ‘low emission society’ with a GHG emissions reduction of 90-95% by 2050. 44 Policy initiatives • Federal Climate Change Act • Climate Action Plan 2050, outlining the roadmap for almost climate-neutral building stock, including regulations to improve energy efficiency and funding heating systems based on renewable energy sources • Ökobaudat (open source database and LCA platform for buildings) • National LCA requirement for federal government buildings • Public funding for sustainability measures; mandatory life cycle GHG emissions and primary energy limit values (since July 2021) • National Energy and Climate Plan • National Clean Development Strategy • 2021–2027 Partnership Agreement, Operational Programmes and Hungary Recovery and Resilience Plan (proposes to increase budget of energy efficiency programmes and distribute funds more effectively; partially adopted) • National Energy and Climate Plan 2021–2030 • Proposals include: stricter requirements for new buildings and substantial refurbishments; public buildings to have a B Building Energy Rating (BER) by 2030; a third of commercial (and mixed-use) buildings to have a B BER (or carbon equivalent gains) by 2030; 600,000 heat pumps installed between 2021 and 2030 • Mandatory national life cycle impact limits on new buildings • Amsterdam to be fully circular (new buildings and products by 2023; renovations by 2025) • New houses’ environmental performance more stringent from 2021 • Uniform assessment method for circular measures (upcoming) • Performance requirements progressively more stringent, ultimately halved by 2030 • Roadmap for property sector to be carbon neutral by 2050 45 • New climate strategy to reduce GHG emissions by 55% by 2030 46 • Banning fossil fuel heating systems; phased in since 2016 and in full force since 2020 47 40 Climate Home News (2021), Net zero by 2045 after landmark court ruling. 41 Climate Home News (2020), 2050 climate neutrality goal set in law. 42 Climate Home News (2021), Climate bill to set 2050 net zero goal in law. 43 Government of the Netherlands (2019), The Climate Act and the National Climate Agreement. 44 Norway Ministry of Climate (2021), Act relating to Norway's climate targets. 45 Norway GBC (2016), The Property Sector’s roadmap towards 2050. 46 European Commission (2022), EU-Norway Press Statement on Climate. 47 ECOS (2021), Member States’ ambition to phase out fossil-fuel heating – an analysis.
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