INSTALL ATION HIGHLINE CUSTOM EXAMPLE WITH 10 MM TILE In the pack: The Custom-solution consists of a stainless steel rail and Custombase, which are assembled with the enclosed screws. A heightener set is included for adjustments in height. The following heights are included: 2 x 1 mm and 1x 2 mm. 6 mm spacer elements are also included. 1. THE TILE The floor tile is cut to achieve a gap of at least 6 mm between the tile on the base and the surrounding floor tiles. Use the spacer element for accuracy. 2. and 3. GLUING OF TILE Firstly; assemble rail, heightener and custom base. Secondly; glue the fitted tile on top of the Custom-base. Each end should have an overhang in the size of 0-60 mm, depending on the thickness of the tile, material and quality. The example shows a 14 mm overhang. 4. BASE, LONG SIDE The tile which is glued on top of the Custom-base, can be fitted to be wider than the base to achieve the 6mm gap between the wall, tile and Custom-panel. In the shown example the overhang is 6 mm. 6 mm spacer element Heightener set Custom base 6 mm 1 6 mm 6 mm 2 14 mm BASE SIDE Overhang 14 mm Heightener Rail Custombase Custom base Heightener 3 Custom base (4 mm) Glue (1 mm) tile (10 mm) 1 mm 1 mm 2 mm Glue 3 10 6 14 Custom base LONG SIDE Rail Custom base Overhang 6 mm Heightener piece 4 Tile mortar Tile Tile Tile mortar (10 mm) (3 mm) 6 43 mm 6 tile Glue unidrain-armatur 6 10 3 37 mm