Page number 32 a touch of class Lia Gogarty & Emmanuel Macron at Trinity College DMEEIR THURSDAY 02.09.2021 IRISH DAILY MIRROR 25 stunning Co Clare cliffs MwPoeahoneptrlteosejtulafsiketes By mirrOr repOrters THE been Cliffs of Moher have named as one of the tmhoestwboeraludtiffourl lopceaotpiolnestion pose and take selfies. EnIjnoyTaravreecl ennatmeadrttihceleir, S2p5oMts oIsnt TPhoepWulaorrldSealnfide Cthlaerbeewloavserdanlokceadti2o5n. in Co deTschriebedloacsa“taiosneriews aosf reoiglhl tosfhfeeinr htoeadthlaendms tishtayt horizon and plunge 214 metres into the some frigid Atlantic Ocean below. “They are B breathtaking cinematic, and one of on the biggest jou Ireland.” attractions in r tioTnhfoermseolfsitespwopauslDarislnoecya-- PlaanrdiswaitnhdbFotlohrliodcaattiaoknisnign the top two spots. Chat Mr Macron at Trinity Monsieur funny stOry Joe Duffy ihDneut’hdffelyopsraetpajoedbr L M anguag a elove c rLia r ‘rea o llyenj n. waiting her turn Macron chats oyed’ as By sandra mallOn to guests president question in French king fJoOuEnDduofufythhaeswreavsesaalecdkehde on Irish visit RfrToEmahftiesrfhirestreraaddiaobgoiugtaitt By Cillian O’Brien A DETERMINED language lo on an art, science and inclusive pr in a newspaper. The Liveline legend has LweeanvtinbgaCcekrttoFresncchhool ver who to study wa course leader watheTtrhinerityu, naisvkeersdittyhe actice French dheanrdt .tSohreepwraesseinnvtihteedr ctooumrseet the Presi- “incredibly proud” of her been the popular anchor Radio of the One programme since 1999. tEwrmihpemtnoanIsrueheleal Mngdaoctrotnoduprrinagcthsiicsterherwcileilntehtd Lia Gogarty wa should get a Government. free laptop students from the maSdheeasnaaidn:sw“Heretoacgtoually agreed and spo“TkehFeyrehnachd,ni’ttwrealseaased e at Trinity. that she even when we told them. complete surprise “I was very imp and shed question. a tear when former student she asked her She said of more relaxed Lia: I’m “ When Covid is a bit But name he for first made a himself while with the Gay Byrne Show. Twrhinoitmy Cetoltlhegeepressiadmenotngona shmisalvligsritoutop int“rIogwavaesminyFqrueenscthion inwEitnhgiltis. h, but my l[oMnagcsreosns]iohna,dbua lonregssdeady banecdaiutswe ahse’ad mheortiivnattoe tshpeemak togmoinygotwonhsotpuedfuenlltysgteot Joe Your told The Laughs Life podcast: of “I finTishheed21s-cyheoar-oDlduwbliitnh lDasotwwneseykn. drome en“joI ydeiddavsekriyngwtell o.n that one. I really dainrsewctelry Laina’ds quetsthioentoaonkdgsrpeoaktetitmo ehetor . “She is a everyone’s phenomenal success and breomss.eImwbaes ronrmi nyghi noglidamysy when I read this thing in rteocoeknut pyeweekolyl aFfrteernTchracnlsaistisoens Yaegaari,nbiunt aLcehaiveivng CaerrstweixtahmthienaJiumneo, fwdhoiicnhg sthhee tal“kIewdatsorheiamlly nehrevoquusesbteiofonr.e I actually was actually t,hbeubteosnt.c”e I finally talked it As w and very conshideegreadvereaspvoenrysem.” easured Ms Mulholland said she’s “She’s so fsuolliomfperneesrsgeyd, s. o enthusiastic. Every see class me. she was delighted to the newspaper. I w“Iarsasntgilml oynbocossnbtreacause anSdhe iesde.xpecting her results tomorrow ftoeratchher PealltriacsialMesuslohnosllawndittho pFrreepnacrhe ex“Icidteodn’ttothseinekmaenaysonshe’es as is six-month contract. ct. A I said to him, ‘I’m reading this’. just after Macriosnstaillqouveesrtitohneamt tohoenTaCtDasekvienngtM. r theLiIari,sfhroMmirGrolars:t“hFurleen, SchouisthmDyufbavlionu, troitled fwaeekse nLeeaavrinMgoCnetrpteellxiaemr w, LitiahsapeFnretntwcho ainftmetrhinley imno2r0n1i9n,gwahnedreaschtievihtaieds cilnastshees He agreed and made an answer my boyfriend included.” and , parents broLtihae, rwahnodlimveosthweirt,haihmesr we“’Mll yfibnodsssosamide,th‘Ii’mngsuforer tyou, as a reporter’. I wasn’t language. fee“lI’lrlehaollpyefpurlolyugdet a pass and if I do I’ll oon. abHsoelrumteulymlGovraeinne O’Malley said: “She to go with it to keep up her French practice and hopes rained as a reporter.” knows.” Lia, now a of mys second elf, but who year student ter“Srihfiec’s, tahteey’re adgrietatatnedamPa. tricia was lia gogarty another trip to the country might be rrific student and works very yesterday on the cards prOud Lia Gogarty again soon. Bonjour Président Macron… Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities (TCPID) student, Lia Gogarty, talks student life, musicals, poetry and questioning French President, Emmanuel Macron, on digital equality After a first year at college spent almost entirely online, due to COVID restrictions, Lia Gogarty, who is studying the Certificate in Arts, Science and Inclusive Applied Practice in TCPID* seized the opportunity to interact at an in-person event on campus in August 2021 - and made national headlines. Lia, who has Down’s Syndrome, was one of a handful of students chosen to ask French President Emmanuel Macron a question in a Q&A session held in the Public Theatre on the occasion of his visit to Dublin and Trinity. Her poise in introducing herself in French and asking a question on digital equality – “should every student get a free laptop from the Government?” – charmed the audience and the President. ‘He came up to me afterwards and said he really liked my question and congratulated me on my French.’ *TCPID sits within the School of Education in Trinity.
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Now in her 2nd year in TCPID, Lia has her own laptop thanks to a generous donation from the Rory McDonagh Trust for all TCPID students. ‘We couldn’t manage without it - we need it for homework and to watch tutorials’ – which is what led her to advocate on behalf of those that can’t afford one. Her language skills are the result of working hard in the Leaving Cert and then doing a course in Montpellier. As well as French, her favourite modules in TCPID are film studies and poetry. The great benefit of the course, she says, is that it has given her ‘friends, confidence and independence’. With restrictions lifting, she now comes into TCPID headquarters in College Green three days a week from her home in Glasthule, and follows online the other two days. This term, she has also been rehearsing two evenings a week with the college Musical Society. The only one of her peer group in TCPID to join the Musical Society, she appeared in their annual production, Guys and Dolls , in February: ‘I didn’t have a singing part, but I have moments of blocking and dancing, including in my favourite song, Sit Down, You’re Rocking the Boat . Rehearsals were a lot of work, but I loved it all. Everyone in the society is extraordinary and talented – amazing voices!’ She is interested in doing more acting after graduation, and maybe a poetry course to deepen her practice. Yeats and Seamus Heaney are her favourite poets, especially Down By the Sally Gardens and The Wild Swans at Coole - and the spirit of Yeats’ swans seems to glide over her own lovely poem, By the Water’s Edge . When I stand still, Closing my eyes, I can hear the sea, Rushing into me. By the Water’s Edge – by Lia Gogarty Then I can picture, A seal popping his head, Sunbathing on the waters Surface. I can see the waves, Crashing in the shore, With dirty soapy foam, Coming in and out, Of the ramp of the pier, Watching the waves, Leaping over rocks. All is peaceful, With seagulls, Gliding through, The air, In the sunshine. A Sunflower has Been Born – by Lia Gogarty In the dark days of January, I sat beside the window, Watching the rain bucketing down, Outside in the gloomy, Miserable wet, Dark with, Heavy wild wind, Blowing everywhere, In the garden that night. I sat there, Sipping my hot, Steamy warm beverage, Beside the roaring, Fire wearing my, Cosy fuzzy pyjama’s, Hoping my sunflower, I planted would, Survive the storm. That very morning, The storm had died down, Summer arrived in, Early July, I walked outside, Into the warm, A cool breeze, In my face. I walked over, To the flower bed, Hoping my, Sunflower would grow. I looked around, The flower bed, Then I came along, A big flower with, Yellow petals, Moving with, The sun. A Sunflower has been born, I was hoping this moment to happen, A Sunflower has been born.