Inspiring Generations Inspiring Success 4 Provost Linda Doyle 8 Trinity Alumni who changed the world 12 Alan Joyce - CEO of Qantas 16 New Busts for the Long Room 20 Conversations with Lenny Abrahamson 22 Behind the Lens 24 Emer Cooke – Executive Director of EMA 26 TSJCI appoints new Directors 29 The many talents of Professor Luke O’Neill 30 Summertime Soirée . 32 Pro-Chancellor Robe Unveiled 34 Dylan Collins - Trinity to SuperAwesome 36 The Steamboat Ladies 38 Generations of Alumni 40 A new mission for Trinity’s Botanic Garden 44 Rapid Residencies at Science Gallery 46 Derek Mahon - a poet of influence 48 Paula Meehan - As If By Magic 49 A Lifetime of Volunteering 50 Trinity Access - Pathways to Law 52 TCPID Business Partners 54 Louise Grubb – Tangent 56 Trinity Sports Highlights 58 Trinity at the Olympics 60 Ciorcal Comhrá Choláiste na Tríonóide 62 Alumni & Campus News 64 Mary Carson - Building a Legacy 69 Worldwide Alumni Network 70 Trinity Development & Alumni, East Chapel, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland T: +353 (0)1 896 2088 | E: | W: