A Message from Lisa and Brendan We are delighted to welcome you to this year's Impact Report. Our mission for 2021/2022 was to refocus and recalibrate our priorities of community, technology, teaching & learning and connectivity. Through the twists and turns of the Covid landscape, we worked hard to change our teaching and collaborative practices and evolved to support our community in the a ermath of the pandemic. As we reimagined what Trinity Access would look like during uncertain times, words like ‘crisis’ accompanied economic, housing, rental, energy and environment, we built our sense of purpose from a di erent place. In the words of the late Trinity Professor Brendan Kennelly " Though we live in a world that dreams of ending, that always seems about to give in, something that will not acknowledge conclusion, insists that we forever begin ". With events and crises unfolding rapidly, the student voice can be forgotten, but you-our community, didn’t forget. You saw how the extra pressures and fears can detrimentally impact at-risk students and you provided unwavering support, which allowed us to sustain and enhance our programmes. We increased our number of undergraduate scholarships, created more pathways with greater development into STEM and brought more students on campus than ever before, with over 2,000 taking part in campus tours alone. We used the innovations that came from lockdown- life to create our “now” post-pandemic. From online information sessions for prospective students, to our hybrid Postgraduate Certificate in 21st Century Teaching & Learning reaching teachers nationwide, the blend of online and in-person collaboration allowed us to grow our community. Our team have adapted to a new way of working, but undoubtedly the resounding highlight of the year has been coming together again on campus. The return of ‘in-person’ graduations and awards gave us moments that every student, alumni and proud onlooker will hold forever. Moments that acknowledge all the hard work that goes into achievement and moments that encapsulate hope for what is to come. Thank you for continuing to champion our students with your time and support. In 2023 Trinity Access turns 30! We look forward to celebrating this milestone with you. Together we are building a better and brighter future for all. Click here to share your memories of Trinity Access with us.
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