Contents Regulars CAMPUS NEWS Catch up on all the news from another busy year on campus GAME ON Celebrating Trinity’s many sporting achievements The Nobel One William Campbell talks to Trinity Today about his surprise at winning the Nobel Prize in 2015 Tender Times Author Belinda McKeon on how Trinity has inspired her work, and an extract from her latest novel Tender 23 Tender Times THE BOOK SHELF A selection of recent books published by Trinity academics HONORARY DEGREES Meet the recipients of Honorary Degrees recently awarded by Trinity REUNION WEEKEND Photos from our annual Alumni Weekend BRANCH CONTACTS Find your local branch of Trinity Alumni Mass Exodus Gráinne O’Hara, two-decade veteran of the UN Refugee Agency talks about working on the frontline of the migration crisis What Lenny Did Oscar nominated director, Lenny Abrahamson, on Trinity, theoretical physics, and the Irish film industry Hidden Trinity Seeking out some of the lesser-known hidden gems on Trinity’s campus With or Without EU Trinity educated captain of industry Paul Drechsler reflects on business, Brexit and his days at Trinity Full Steam Ahead Newly appointed Science Gallery Director, Lynn Scarff, on how the innovative space came about and what is next in store Life Through the Lens The makers of a documentary series about life in Trinity explain why they were surprised nobody thought of doing it before LONDON BALL Photos from the inaugural London Alumni Ball NEW YORK BALL Photos from the New York Alumni Ball CHRISTMAS COMMONS Photos from the the Alumni Christmas Commons CLASS NOTES News from graduates around the world ONE ON ONE INTERVIEW Noel McCann, soon to retire as Head of Campus Services, tells us a little about himself 2 30 Full Steam Ahead HOME/SICK at Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin