TESS Hose Management Risk based maintenance of hoses TESS Hose Management (THM) is a cost effective and easy to use hose management program that provides the following operational benefits: • Access to your digital hoseregister, maintenanceplan and status • Easy to order new hoses • Reduced leadtime for correct hosedelivery • Increased uptime, reduced cost, control over critical hoses and improved safety • Reduced CO 2 emissions - Sustainability achievements Hosetag provides following information: Unique TESS ID nr. Customer name Production date Workingpressure Length Lokation Position Barcode Customer ID HF RFID chip Hoses gets unique ID-numbers and is registered in THM database: Would you like more information about TESS Hose Management? Reach out to one of our servicecenters! Technical Authority: Jan Georg Tunes - Tlf.: +47 95 10 59 68 E-mail: jangeorg.tunes@tess.no Tlf.: +47 32 84 40 00 Postboks 1540 - N-3007 Drammen E-mailt: tess@tess.no www.tess.no
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