THIS IS MøreRoyal® MøreRoyal® is first-class, fully treated timber ready for use without any form of further treatment. It features unique properties that are ideal for anyone who wants to avoid spending time on maintenance. MøreRoyal® cladding, roofing, laths and terrace boards are frequently used for homes and major projects. The Talgø PlusConcept, consisting of conservatories and gazebos for outdoor areas are also based on products in MøreRoyal® quality. Over the years, MøreRoyal has been certified, classified and evaluated from raw material to finished buildings, and is deemed to be a highly eco-friendly product. That makes MøreRoyal a safe choice, now and in the future. Terrace board UNO with grooves grey RG25 Photo: Per Flåthe Front cover: Terrace board UNO with grooves grey RG25 Photo: Lediard Foto 2
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