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WHISTLEBLOWER POLICY What can be reported? The whistleblower system can only be used if the report concerns serious misconduct or offences. This means that matters such as collaboration difficulties or dissatisfaction with facilities or conditions cannot be reported in the whistleblower system. Examples of areas that can be reported in the whistleblower system include, but are not limited to: • Sexism • Sexual assault • Physical violence • Discrimination • Economic crime • Workplace safety • Consumer protection • Product safety • Breach of procurement legislation • Breach of GDPR legislation • Breach of environmental legislation • Money laundering • Breach of laws in general • Other serious matters 4 af 8

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WHISTLEBLOWER POLICY How do you report? You can access and report in WhistleSystem as follows: 1. Go directly to Nine United’s Whistleblower System 2. Fill out the form with the necessary information so the administrator team can process the report. Reporting in the system is completely anonymous. WhistleSystem is the only channel by which misconduct can be reported anonymously. It is also possible to log in manually via a private internet connection by going to using: Username: Nineunited Password: M3HBYgA3m After the report is submitted, a unique report ID will be displayed which must be saved in a safe place. This ID gives you access to log in and open the report again. This way, you can start an anonymous dialogue, send documentation and answer follow-up questions from the administrator team. Nine United encourages you to log in regularly after the report has been sent in order to answer any follow-up questions. In the user manual for the system, you will find a detailed review of the reporting process. How is the report processed? The report is processed by Nine United’s administrator team. The process is as follows: 1. The admin team will notify you that the report has been received within 7 days. 5 af 8
