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WHISTLEBLOWER POLICY Purpose At Nine United, we continuously work to create a framework and conditions that contribute to openness and trust in the way we run our business. In this policy, you can read about our whistleblower system and the options that are available to you, if you experience unacceptable behavior or suspect that something illegal is going on in the company. The system aims to ensure a safe environment where you can express concerns about misconduct without fear of negative consequences. Whistleblower System Nine United’s whistleblower system follows EU Directive 2019/1937. The system is operated by WhistleSystem ApS which ensures a completely anonymous and secure process for you as whistleblower. The whistleblower system must be used if employees or external stakeholders associated with Nine United experience serious misconduct or offences. Nine United encourages you to contact your closest Nine United contact if you experience serious misconduct. However, in some cases this may not be possible or desirable. The whistleblower system makes it possible to report the misconduct if you wish to be anonymous. Reports can be made by anyone and reporting can include people, situations and incidents. The following people are part of the administrator team: • Christian Madsen, Legal • Mette Boel Malmros, HR 3 af 8