CONTENTS Introduction . 3 Human Rights and Labour Rights.4 Prevention of forced or involuntary labour .4 Working hours and adequate rest .4 The right to collective bargaining and freedom of association .4 Prevention of child labour .4 Adequate compensation .5 Freedom from discrimination and harassment.5 Health and safety .5 Climate and environment.6 Energy efficiency, air emissions and climate change (GHG emissions) .6 Chemical restrictions.6 Water and wastewater management.6 Raw materials sourcing, cleaner production and minimizing waste.7 Governance and transparency .7 Integrity and anti-corruption .7 Protection of whistleblowers.7 Animal Welfare .7 Transparency and sourcing of materials.7 Management systems .8 APPENDIX 1: List of conventions and recommendations covered by this Code of Conduct . 10 APPENDIX 2: Protection of vulnerable groups . 13 Subcontractors and homeworkers . 13 Protection of migrant workers. 13 Protection of young workers . 13 Prevention of precarious employment . 13 APPENDIX 3: Environmental policy . 14 GHG emissions. 14 Certifications. 14 Cleaner production and minimizing waste . 14 Restricted Chemicals . 14 Screening of suppliers (China-specific) . 14 APPENDIX 4: Non-conformance . 16 Appendix 5: Guidance on the transition to renewable energy sources . 18 2022 Code of Conduct p. 2
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