2022 Lyreco Sverige AB has offset greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 504 t CO 2 additionally captures emitted CO 2 from the atmosphere by planting 2.520 trees and enables the empowerment and support of children and youths as Climate Justice Ambassadors. Thank you! Uffing am Staffelsee, April 25 th 2023 Plant-for-the-Planet retired 504 Gold Standard Voluntary Emissions Reductions (VER) credits. The VER credits were issued by The Gold Standard Foundation following a rigorous carbon offset project registration process. The issuance and ownership of these Gold Standard VER credits have been tracked in The Gold Standard Environmental Registry using unique serial numbers to prevent double counting or double selling. These VER credits have been retired from the registry permanently, no one else can hold or retire these credits. Quantity of retired VER credits: 504 VER credit serial numbers: GS1-1-TR-GS1190-12-2015-6511-74211-74714 Hereby it is confirmed that Plant-for-the-Planet will plant and maintain the above specified number of trees. Restoration is scientifically supported by the Crowther Lab, ETH Zurich.
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