1 PTERLAAWGILC 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GLORIA PELAGIC TRAWL 11 The outstanding midwater trawl for professional pelagic fishing. The Gloria Trawl is the market leader, used worldwide by many of world’s top skippers who know they can depend on this fishing gear for the best catching results. We 12 constantly strive to make Gloria Trawls the outstanding fishing gear in any area – it must catch more fish, be easier to handle and last longer. 13 Ttohweindgessipgeneodf wevheilrey tGralowrliiangT.rawl is tailored to the fishing vessel to maintain optimal 14 • The design is specifically developed with the target species in mind. • At the optimal towing speed, the Gloria Trawl evenly filters incoming water - with Hampiðjan’s self-spreading technology contributing to steering the gathered fish 15 safely into the codend. • The Gloria Trawl is user-friendly and shoots and hauls easily, with stiff over-braided Self-Spreading Helix-bars, eyespliced at each end for quick and easy assembly and 16 repair. • The patented Helix Self-Spreading Technology (SST) makes the Gloria Trawl keep its shape and continue to fish while turning, towing at a lower speed or when fishing in a 17 following or side current. • By using only high quality products and materials the Gloria Trawl may last twice as 18 long as trawls made from regular materials. 19 20 hampidjan.com
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