B T O R T A T W O L M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CODENDS Bottom Trawls 8 Better quality – Better selectivity . 9 Hampidjan offers a wide range of codends for bottom trawls, in various material types and every mesh size needed for different species. 10 There has been significant progress in codend design recently, especially with the arrival of the DynIce Quickline, both in codends made in standard netting and in T90 netting. 11 T90 means that the netting is turned 90° from the standard netting direction, by doing this the shape of the knot opens the mesh better and the codend filter out water faster 12 than in a conventional codend. This generates better flow through the belly back to the codend, ensuring better opening and minimising damage on the fish. There have been made two surveys to measure the selectivity of codends in T90 with 13 DynIce Quicklines v.s. conventional codends. The outcome from these surveys shows tthoagtrcido-dseonrtdinsgw. ith T90 netting and DynIce Quicklines are fully comparable in selectivity 14 The combination of T90 and DynIce Quicklines has performed well in bottom trawl codends, with crews and production managers reporting that catches from these codends show better quality than from conventional codends. Retention rate 1.00 L50=22,7cm 0.75 SR=12,7cm 0.50 0.25 0.00 15 Conventional Codend L50=30cm SR=3,6cm 16 17 DynIce Quicklines and T90 18 20 40 60 Fish length (cm) 19 hampidjan.com 20
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