SUSTAINABILIT Y REPORT 2023/24 city and natural gas et our goals for energy consumption and osition, we have in the reporting period changed y of electricity for the remaining addresses that not already supplied with green electricity. ermore, the relocation of our central warehouse ht the opportunity to reduce our consumption of al gas, which were the primary source of heating old address. Now having our administrative office, which was also relocated, and our central warehouse located under the same roof, independent of other renters, gives us the opportunity to better control and monitor our energy consumption for these central units of our organisation. The effects of both the full conversion to green electricity and the men- tioned relocations can clearly be read in the develop- ment of energy consumption, composition and GHG emissions from base year to reporting year. 26 2022 (BASE YEAR) FY23/24 54 mption of purchased or acquired electricity ssil sources (MWh) 283.01 24.27 mption of purchased or acquired electricity newable sources (MWh) 39.39 257.13 of renewable sources in total electricity mption (%) 12.20 91.40 ectricity consumption (MWh) 322.40 281.40 g based on natural gas 2022 (BASE YEAR) 5762.8 (kbm) FY23/24 3421.5 (kbm) Δ (KBM) -2341.3 (kbm) Δ (%) -40.6% GREENMIND
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