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THE ELFA CODE OF CONDUCT Elfa’s Code of Conduct (our Code) is a guide designed to help all Elfa companies to connect with our values and provide expectations for our everyday behaviour. The Code is where we find direction on how to conduct ourselves as Elfa employees when we interact with each other, our customers, the communities in which we operate and other stakeholders. It is the place to start when we face an ethical di- lemma, and it provides information on who to contact when we have questions or concerns. Elfa’s Code is based on our core values, which are a set of beliefs that govern our actions, and it commits us to act with the highest levels of ethics, to conduct business in a responsible and sustainable way, and to ensure an inclusive work environment. Unwelcome conduct that creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile work environment has no place here. Instead, we encourage and expect mutual respect, based on our ONE Elfa core values, regardless if it is among colleagues, between our compa- nies or our business partners. At Elfa we conduct business ethically and in compliance with the law. This is the right way to do business - it builds trust with our customers as well as with society and it ultimately leads to commercial success. Furthermore, it helps us avoid situations that might lead to adverse legal issues or damage to our reputation. This Code of Conduct clearly states the expec- tations for how we do business – not just in a few locations, but everywhere we operate. It reveals what we stand for and what we expect from you. 4
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OUR ONE ELFA CORE VALUES The Elfa Code and all its related policies, are based on our shared core values that reads that in all that we do, we focus on our customers, embrace innovation, act in a profes- sional manner, believe in humanitarian values and share a holistic approach. ONE Elfa is where we make visible our core values – where we view ourselves as ONE team – ONE group, regardless of country or organization. Customer focused We strive to always exceed customers’ and end-users’ expectations Innovative We are innovative and open-minded to new ways of working and creating end-user value Professional We act professional in all that we do Humane We appreciate that we are all different and always treat everyone with respect Holistic We are business oriented, collaborative and always think and act as one company WHO THE CODE APPLIES TO The Code applies everywhere we do business, and to everyone who works on Elfa Group’s behalf, including full and part-time employees, consultants, temporary staff, senior management, and the boards of directors of Elfa Group companies. The Code extends beyond Elfa via Elfa’s Supplier Code of Conduct (our Supplier Code), which is intended to be included in agreements with external parties. For you this means nn You are accountable for following the Code and failing to do so can have consequences for both you and the company nn Any Employee who ignores or violates any of Elfa’s ethical standards will be subject to corrective action, up to and including immediate dismissal 5