THE ELFA CODE OF CONDUCT. 4 Our ONE Elfa core values. 5 Who the code applies to. 5 Compliance with the law. 6 Reporting known or suspected violations. 6 No retaliation policy. 6 Guidance for decision-making. 7 OUR COMMITMENT AT OUR WORKPLACE. 8 We respect each other. 9 Non-Discrimination. 9 Health and safety. 9 OUR COMMITMENT IN THE MARKETPLACE.10 Fair dealing. 11 Product compliance.11 Fair competition. 12 Anti-Corruption, Including Gifts and Entertainment.12 We separate personal interests from business activities.13 We safeguard company information and assets.14 We communicate transparently and responsible.14 OUR COMMITMENT TO SOCIETY.15 We care for society and the environment.16 We speak up. 16 RELATED GROUP-WIDE POLICIES AND CODES.17 3
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E L FA CODE OF CONDUCT We should all be proud of what we do “ ” and how we do it