A B O U T the M A G A Z I N E special T H A N K S PAPER IS THE PERFECT VEHICLE FOR TELLING STORIES THAT SUPPORT, INSPIRE AND PROPEL POWERFUL IDEAS. IT’S TACTILE. IT’S MEMORABLE. IT’S LASTING. THAT’S WHY WE’VE CREATED PAPER MATTERS® MAGAZINE. TO CELEBRATE AND INSPIRE THE EVOLVING WORLD OF THE PAPER AND PRINTING INDUSTRIES. PAPER MATTERS MAGAZINE IS THAT RESOURCE FOR INSPIRATION. IT’S A LIVING, BREATHING EXAMPLE OF HOW THE POWER OF PAPER AND PRINT ADD A CRITICAL AND UNIQUE EXPERIENCE TO THE MARKETING MIX. DOMTAR PAPER would like to thank all of those who played a part in this issue: BOB ARKEMA Executive Vice President, Johnson & Quin MARCOS CHAVEZ Co-Founder, TODA CLASSIC COLOR J E F F H E R N A N D E Z , Vice President B R E N T B A S H O R E , Project Manager J A I M E B E L L , Marketing Director D A R A F I T C H , Project Manager ADAM HERNANDEZ, Creative Account Manager M A R V I N M A L D O N A D O , Press Feeder CHRIS ELAND Manager of Purchasing, Alison Payment Systems DAVID FIELD Senior Business Manager, Midland Paper BILL FARQUHARSON Sales Trainer, Presenter and Author for the Graphic Arts Industry DAVE FAUCETT Mill General Manager, Domtar Paper TOM HOWARD Vice President, Government Relations, Domtar DR. SAMIR “MR. MAGAZINE™”HUSNI, PH.D Founder and Director, Magazine Innovation Center Professor, University of Mississippi L I S B E T H LY O N S Vice President of Government and External Affairs, Printing Industries of America DAVID RACCUGLIA Founder, American Crew ERIC RUSHING Director of Document Process, Alison Payment Systems ALEX RYNNE Content Marketing Manager, LinkedIn KAY WILT Director of Marketing, Johnson & Quin PRODUCTION NOTES VANÉCIA CARR Editor-in-Chief TAMMY TUFTY Managing Editor ASHLEY MAYDAK Editor Paper—Cover COUGAR® 100 LB. COVER, SMOOTH FINISH Paper—Narrative C O U G A R ® 1 0 0 L B . T E X T, SMOOTH FINISH Printing PRINTED FOUR-COLOR PROCESS Design DENA VERDESCA DURHAM, NC CONTRIBUTORS Scan the QR code throughout the magazine for curated video content from this issue of Paper Matters®.
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