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Infinity® Spring Sale! Manage your job. Manage your colours. Have a job or campaign crossing a variety of print platforms? Gilman Brothers Infinity from Ariva® is a 100% styrene-faced, bendable board which can be printed, shipped flat, then cold bent to set up into a 3D presentation, or even wrap around a pole! North American made · Limited preparation/clean up · 7% less ink required for complete coverage Infinity from Ariva is part of the Gilman Brothers ColorOne™ White Point Management System. All Gilman Brothers board products, like Insite Reveal from Ariva, have consistent white points. Thus colour management regardless of the Gilman Brothers substrate used is easy. Have a job or campaign crossing a variety of print platforms – small format digital (toner or HP Indigo), conventional offset and flatbed UV inkjet? Tango from Ariva has the same white point as all Gilman Brothers foam board products. I2FOF489WHS1G17 Infinity Board 3/16 48x96" (16 sheets /case) $520 I2FOF489WHS5G17 Infinity Board 1/2 48x96" (12 sheets /case) $610 *While supplies last. Prices subject to change without notice. Toronto Ottawa Montreal Quebec City Halifax Mount Pearl 800-265-5480 888-671-5007 888-671-5007 866-871-3300 902-468-5520 800-563-9229 ©2018 Ariva, and the Ariva logo are trademarks of Domtar Inc. in Canada. ® Printed on Infinity Styrene Face Foam Board 3/16".
