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WHY BUYING NORTH AMERICAN PAPER MATTERS Buying North American paper is the responsible environmental, economic and social choice – and the best business decision. Get your customers asking the question: Where does my paper come from? Paper Made Here aims to raise awareness about the importance of buying North American paper by spotlighting the many positive economic, social and environmental impacts of the North American paper industry. Domtar is proud to be a pioneer in sustainable forestry, a North American job creator, an investor in local communities, and a consistently reliable and transparent business partner. And Ariva is a proud partner and supporter. Jobs The recent flood of imports threatens the vital North American paper industry and jobs that deserve to be fought for. Buying North American paper supports local jobs and strengthens our economy. Ethics There are dramatic differences between the way North American manufacturers and some importers operate, and the standards they must meet. Labour, safety, and environmental practices in North America are significantly stricter than those in certain foreign countries. Integrity To ensure the integrity of their reputations, business should always work with paper companies that have: A strong track record of environmental, social, and economic performance, Consistently practiced full disclosure in all elements of their operations and business. Spread the word: Buying North American Matters! Contact your Ariva Rep to start the conversation. © 2015 Ariva, the Ariva logo are trademarks of Domtar Inc. in Canada. Printed on Domtar Cougar Digital Smooth, 100 lb text.