PAPER AND OTHER PRODUCTS COME FROM THE HIGHLY EFFICIENT USE OF A TREE. Sustainably harvesting trees to make paper products doesn’t cause deforestation, defined as the permanent conversion of forests to other land uses. Trees will grow back. According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, net U.S. forest area increased by 18 million acres over the past 30 years despite deforestation from urban development. Forests are the source of the everyday paper and pulp products that Domtar provides consumers. It may be surprising, but the vast majority of wood used in our production line is residue from the tree trunk (sawdust and wood chips) after it has been used by other industries in producing construction lumber, fine veneer flooring, doors and tables and production of stairs, furniture, cabinets, shipping crates and pallets. Tree bark, branches and the tree canopy are also used in Domtar’s processes. BREAKDOWN OF A TYPICAL HARVESTED TREE PULPWOOD QUALITY The top part of the tree, including larger branches, is considered pulp wood, used for paper making and residential firewood. AVERAGE HIGH QUALITY From this part, the wood quality lends itself to making products such as shipping crates and pallets DID YOU KNOW? In addition, a variety of natural chemicals are often extracted from the same tree – chemicals that are used in making flavors, fragrances and even food. One of these chemicals, lignin, is the most widely available natural polymer on Earth. VERY HIGH QUALITY The large diameter base of a tree’s trunk may be used to produce fine veneers for doors and tables. HIGH QUALITY In this area , the tree’s wood may be used for cabinets, hardwood floors, stairs and furniture. The bark from the same sustainably harvested tree may be used for landscaping or it may be used as a renewable fuel that displaces the need for fossil fuels. Source: Two Sides, Domtar
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