To: From: Subject: All Dinex Customer’s / Sales Rep’s Product Management and Technical Support, Dinex USA SCR Inlet Temperature Sensor Location Change on EPA10/EPA14 Dinex OneBox’s Doc No: 0002 August 19,2021 As a part of an optimization of the functionality, the Dinex OneBox was designed with a flow that is different than the OEM ( Figure 1 ). The Dinex OneBox’s flow runs from the final SCR/ASC into a transfer pipe that leads to the outlet pipe. This caused the Inlet temperature sensor to not be as accurate as possible in the same location as the OE OneBox. Figure 1 After extensive testing in Dinex’s R&D center, the decision was made to make a change to the design moving the inlet temperature from the left-hand side of the SCR/ASC to the right-hand side ( Figure 2 ). This change was made in order to allow the sensor to give a more accurate inlet temperature reading. Old stock and new stock will both function in the required parameters. The change just offers a more accurate temperature measurement.
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