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Pour le Français Für Deutsch Para Español Per Italiano Dla Polskiego Dinex Recon RX DPF Return & Inspection Checklist DPF Return Instructions 1. When the DPF has passed the inspection criteria it is ready to be returned. 2. Repackage the returning DPF in the supplied plastic bag and place it in the protecting foam inserts into the cardboard box. 3. Include the completed and signed return & inspection checklist into the cardboard box. 4. Return the DPF according to agreed transportation terms and destination address. Health and Safety Guidance for Visual inspection of DPF cores The DPF is loaded with ash and soot which is hazardous for your health and your surroundings. Avoid skin contact. Avoid eye contact. Avoid inhalation of dust. Do not attempt to remove ash or soot by yourself, and avoid working with the used DPF in windy areas or near the use of pressurized air, as it can make harmful particles “fly”. Personal protective equipment DPF Core inspection checklist 1. The core that you return must be the same part number/application as the recon DPF that was delivered. 2. The returned core must be either an OE or a Dinex DPF. 3. For the core return please use the enclosed protective bag and packaging with packing material to prevent transport damage. 4. Cores with significant physical damage to the ceramic substrate cannot be reconditioned (such as: Soot on outlet, melting, cracks or large chips). Cores with chips larger than 20 mm and/or deeper than 4 mm will be rejected.         
