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Contents P. 3 Management letter P. 4 About Geia Food P. 8 Sustainability Strategy P. 11 Responsible Procurement P. 20 Sustainable Operations P. 26 Good Leadership P. 33 KPI Definitions P. 35 Company Profile Published by: Geia Food A/S Fuglevænget 9, DK-9000 Aalborg In addition to being Geia Food’s annual reporting on our corporate social responsibility, the report also constitutes our statutory reporting for Geia Food A/S including subsidiaries on our social responsibility, as stated in section 99 of the Danish Financial Statements Act.
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GEIA FOOD SUSTAINABILIT Y REPORT 3 Taking care of our employees’ health and safety has been a top priority for us in 2021 and therefore we have continued to offer our colleagues the opportunity to work remotely … Providing Food Responsibly 2021 has been a remarkable year for our business. At the beginning of the year, all markets suffered from heavy lockdowns due to Covid-19 and remote work was once again introduced. During late spring and summer, we moved into a normal situation, only to return to lockdowns once again during the autumn. Taking care of our employees’ health and safety has been a top priority for us in 2021 and therefore we have continued to offer our colleagues the opportunity to work remotely, while also focusing on how to improve the mental well-being of employees having less affiliation with colleagues in the workplace. As of 15 June 2021, Geia Food’s market position in Scandinavia was further strengthened with a new majority shareholder. After nearly a four-year ownership, Credo Partners passed the baton to Triton which took a majority shareholding in Geia Food, along with the current management team and key employees also taking ownership interests in the company. We have welcomed a strong and highly reputable partner that will enhance our ability to develop our business both organically and through value-creating acquisitions in Scandinavia. The new ownership structure will give Geia Food an incredibly strong platform from which to continue our journey of growth. During the autumn of 2021, we revised our CSR strategy, so it better reflects our increased focus on sustainable operation and climate, in addition to a continued focus on responsible procurement and supplier management. We continue to work towards the UN Sustainable Development Goal number 3 (Good Health and Well-being), Goal number 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and we have now added Goal number 13 (Climate action). 2022 will be a year that offers lots of extraordinary challenges for us. Although we may eventually see the end of the pandemic in Europe, we will unfortunately have to deal with collapsed supply chains and galloping commodity prices for the rest of 2022. We must be extremely adaptable and really think creatively to navigate this market situation. Despite all the challenges, we are well positioned to meet 2022 and we look forward to continuing our onward journey as the leading food concept provider in the Nordics. I hope you will find this annual sustainability report inspiring and useful. Claus Ravnsbo Group CEO, Geia Food A/S