Fruit IMPORT UPDATE JULY I AUGUST 2022 Citrus Australia A slow start to Australian citrus hindered by shipping disruptions. Fruit quality and size profiles are in line with NZ preferences. Harvest is in full production to provide you an excellent tasting fruit. Make sure to review options on - Cara Cara, Blood, Navels, Grapefruit and Tangelos over the next two months. Mandarins are next to arrive. Harvest is beginning over the next week or two, planned for arrivals into NZ late July. Grapes Mexican and Californian We are in the transition phase between South American / Australian supply and Mexican moving to Californian fruit. We forecast July is going to be slim pickings on grapes. Make sure to get in fast to enjoy the Mexican offering as fruit clears the border. 4th of July Independence Day celebrations has historically been the marker for harvest commencing in California. First fruit is expected in early August. Mango Mexican Sporadic in supply due to weather and shipping, however there is light at the end of the tunnel! Supply source is moving further north closer to the key shipping routes and early fruit quality has provided confidence to increase loading volume. Melons Australian If you had moved from New Zealand to Queensland to avoid winter, you would be sorely disappointed. Continual rain fronts generated from the La Niña weather system has significantly restricted harvests of most Queensland products and effected export quality reducing supply and pushing prices. Melons are no exception. Watermelon supply should remain consistent through July, but some kind weather is required before we see any relief in pricing. Rockmelon, Honeydew and Orange Candy melons will be harvested in between the rainfalls for export. We look forward to offering them for your purchase as fruit gets delivered. . READ MORE PG. 4
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