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CONTENTS OVERVIEW 2023 About Arjo Arjo’s offering CEO’s comments Group performance 2023 Arjo’s segments Key events 2023 STRATEGY A clear direction for the future The world is facing rapidly increasing care needs Improved mobility in healthcare – a benefit for society as a whole A strategy for increased value creation in healthcare SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability is key to Arjo's success 2023 Highlights Impacts and actions throughout Arjo's value chain Material topics form a base for priorities Arjo Sustainability Framework RISKS 2 Risk management and risk ana 4 8 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 11 Corporate Governance at Arjo 12 Board of Directors 14 Management Team Remuneration Report Principles for renumeration of 16 Proposed appropriation of prof 17 18 GROUP 1) Consolidated financial stateme 20 Parent Company financial stat Sustainability Report Auditor’s report 27 Sources 28 The share 30 Other information 32 33 1. For a detailed table of contents for the
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alysis o DIRECTORS’ REPORT Arjo’s Annual Report is published in Swedish and 44 English. The Swedish version is the original. The Annual Report and consolidated financial state- ments for the 2023 fiscal year, as reviewed and audited by the auditors, can be found on pages 49 2–7, 11–15, 26–61, 65–136 and 152–153. The Direc- 57 tors’ Report is presented on pages 2–7, 11–15, 26–61, 65-68, 110–136 and 152–153. 60 62 OTHER EXTERNAL AUDIT senior executives ofit 65 The auditor has submitted an opinion regarding the statutory sustainability report in accordance 68 with RevR 12. The sustainability report is presented on pages 26–43 and 110–136. The auditor exam- ined the corporate governance statement, pages 49–61 and 65–67 in accordance with FAR’s auditing ents 69 standard RevR 16 The auditor’s examination of the tements 102 corporate governance statement. 110 137 151 152 154 Group, see page 48.