Barn og mobbing Bullying in kindergarten takes place in many ways. Children are physically abused or are excluded from play, whether adults are present or not. When children are bullied, they miss out on good peer fellowship, play and learning. The research report “The whole child – the whole way” [Norwegian: Hele barnet, hele løpet] shows that children, staff and parents all believe that bullying takes place in kindergarten. The report confirms that play and friendship are the most important things for children in kindergarten, and in conversations with children it is evident that children’s experience of friendship and being included in play is decisive for their well- being in the kindergarten. Adults’ presence and interaction in the children’s play is therefore wholly necessary. In the research report, bullying is defined thus: ”Bullying of children in kinder- garten involves actions from adults and/or other children that negatively affect the child’s experience of belonging and being an important part of the kindergarten community.”
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